Daily Archives: February 8, 2011

First Posting: Where I’m at, what we’re doing, and what’s coming up

Am I blogging yet? Am I a “Blogger”? not quite. I wouldn’t yet consider myself a significant part of the “blogosphere” or any “blogoverse” but here is my attempt at publicly airing my concerns and ideas for general consumption. Generally I work in a kind of off the cuff manner, so I think that this process should be interesting for me.
This is my last semester of gradauate school and as a part of our seminar this semester, we are all undertaking this exciting experiment in fancypantsness for our own personal betterment. I myself intended to start a blog long ago and have of course put it off until it has been mandated, but, better late than never right?… right. Continue reading


Filed under documenting, shameless promotion, thesis and shows, whats new/whats happening